Tuesday, November 22, 2011

inspiration - diy dress up e-course / red velvet shop

today i'm sharing a few of my completed projects from red velvet's diy dress up e-course

"diy dress up" is one of several e-courses offered by the red velvet team and is aimed at women who want to learn to sew their own clothes. it initially caught my eye because of its section on common alterations for vintage clothing but quickly won me over when i saw how many other great projects were included for such a reasonable price. elsie (a.k.a. a beautiful mess) and senior intern mallory developed this class for those learning to sew from a beginner level and those who feel they need a bit more practice (or a boos in confidence) before making the jump to patterns & garments. there are 17 projects in all which range from a simple topstitch bow & tote bag to more complex skirts & dresses. 

above, you'll see pics of my completed topstitch bow, cumberbun-inspired belt, magazine tote and vinyl-lined makeup bag. i really enjoyed all of these projects and ended up making two or three versions of each for extra practice and as gifts. the magazine tote and makeup bag are really great - i've made lots of tote bags before but never one specifically for carting around magazines and knitting/crochet materials! it gets used all the time now that i'm crocheting like mad. the makeup bag is all kinds of amazing - i love the lumi-inspired girls on the front and the spill-proof vinyl on the inside.

so far, the red velvet girls are right - my confidence goes up each time i complete a project and i feel much more capable of eventually making my own garments. i would definitely recommend this e-course to anyone wanting to take their sewing skills to the next level. i've taken sewing classes in the past and dabbled on my own for years but this e-course has given me a nice platform to practice new sewing skills & learn proper construction on my own time while making cute projects that i actually like. and, practice is what i've realized it all amounts to - lots & lots of practice!

 c. emilia 

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